Tintup – Instagram – Square Display
Recently we have been testing the tintup.com social media feed system with our square displays to show Instagram photos. The system work really well and is a great way to create a feed for images … [more]
Recently we have been testing the tintup.com social media feed system with our square displays to show Instagram photos. The system work really well and is a great way to create a feed for images … [more]
To make the relocation of video-wall modules, for example when exhibiting at trade shows and other events, we have designed and made video wall module cases as shown.
On 17 September 2013 our US office was honored to have the local Chamber of Commerce attend for a ribbon cutting ceremony.
The IR-LED board (p/n 416302000-3) is one of those small accessories that sometimes gets overlooked but plays a valuable role. Designed to be integrated on the inside of an enclosure with suitable access holes. The … [more]
While people struggle with signal quality over extended cable lengths and talk in terms of meters (or yards) fiber makes video cabling over a kilometer easy and reliable. Digital View offers the SVX-1920-SDI interface controller … [more]
Flat panel displays such as LCD (or LED as they are incorrectly called in consumer products) are exciting, they have enabled a revolution after revolution in all manner of devices, but they are also exciting … [more]
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