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LCD Controllers

SVX-2560 Update – Network Functionality

5 March 2016

The Digital View SVX-2560 LCD controller update released this week is primarily focused on enhancing the network functionality. Specifically the various modifications include: Full Ethernet command & control functions with both browser mode & command mode … [more]

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LCD Controllers

Backlight detection

27 January 2016

Digital View LCD controller boards provide blacklight detection and reporting. To meet the needs of display applications where monitoring the backlight of a LCD panel is important various Digital View LCD controller models as noted below … [more]

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LCD Controllers

Isolated Ground

5 December 2015

To meet the needs of installations that require electronics to have isolated ground the following LCD controllers have been designed with this as an option. Enabling the option means that the mounting holes are no … [more]

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LCD Controllers

Digital View LCD Controller Updates

24 March 2015

The following Digital View LCD controllers have been updated and Revision Notes posted to their web pages: SVX-3840 SVX-2560 SVX-1920v3 ALR-1920 For more information please see the Revision Notes from the respective product pages.

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LCD Controllers

Controller Utility updated

18 March 2015

The Digital View Windows based Controller Utility software has been updated to version 1.02, the principle modification being to add support for the ALR-1920 LCD controller. It is available for download here. The Controller Utility … [more]

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LCD Controllers

HD-BaseT LCD Controller: DD-1920-HDBT

24 February 2015

In Q2 of 2015 Digital View will be releasing an LCD controller supporting HD-BaseT called the DD-1920-HDBT. Details are preliminary at this stage but the advance specification is: Input type: 1x RJ45 (HDBaseT interface) supporting … [more]

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LCD Controllers

SVX-1920v3 new firmware release

23 February 2015

The SVX-1920v3 LCD controller, designed for input signals and LCD panels up to Full-HD and 1920×1200 resolution, was recently updated with firmware v1.12.00.00 enabling many new functions for this model. These include: Support for SDI … [more]

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