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Connectors & Input Signals…

16 February 2012

Common input signal connectors as shown above include: HMDI: Designed for consumer electronics but increasingly appearing on professional grade products as well. DVI: Comes in two designs, digital and digital & analog. DisplayPort: Promoted as … [more]

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Displays In Our Future…

15 February 2012

A look at how displays might be part of our daily life in the future… this is Corning’s excellent A Day Made of Glass 2:

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Controller Solution Generator

15 February 2012

Having chosen an LCD panel the Controller Solution Generator, or CSG as we normally call it, is the place to go: The CSG has nearly 2,000 panels listed, for many of these it will provide … [more]

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Kyocera bought Optrex

14 February 2012

Kyocera announced that with as of 1 February 2012 it had acquired the shares of Optrex, see As noted the company names will be combined but we are yet to see what this means in … [more]

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14 February 2012

Displays already seem to be everywhere – but it has really only just started…

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New Digital View UK Office

11 February 2012

Digital View UK is pleased to announce it is back in Knebworth Park – following the relocation of its European digital signage operations to Munich in Q4 of 2011 the display electronics operations decided to … [more]

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LCD Controllers

CSG Updates

3 February 2012

The Digital View View CSG (Controller Solution Generator) is designed to assist with matching controllers with LCD panels, however behind the system is a very significant LCD panel database. With well over 1,750 larger graphic … [more]

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Digital Signage

Digital Signage Off The Shelf

16 February 2011

In retail environments consumers are surrounded by all kinds of promotional materials and mediums, competing for their attention. There are many different points of engagement, but in this post I want to focus on shelf … [more]

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LCD Controllers

Ambient Lighting & LCD Displays

26 January 2011

The ambient light detector is an LCD controller accessory designed for Digital View LCD Controllers that automatically adjusts the brightness of the backlight of a display to allow for external lighting conditions. … [more]

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LCD Controllers

LCD Panel Database On iPhone

27 October 2010

Digital View have migrated the PanelX LCD panel database to an iPhone version, this is available for free from iTunes though you can see details  here. An updated version will be available soon providing a … [more]

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