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Creating Video From Still Images

16 June 2010

Creating video from still images can be very effective, quick and easy. The various techniques available go well beyond simple slide shows and produce results suitable for retail product promotion, real estate agents and museums … [more]

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Digital Signage

Samsung 43″ Very Wide LCD

12 May 2010

Recently we have been testing Samsung’s 43″ very wide LCD panel. With an aspect ratio of 4:1 and a resolution of 1920×480 this is a great panel for many digital signage applications. For the interface … [more]

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LCD Controllers

Night-Safe Displays & Night-vision

23 November 2009

Many people associate night-vision with red or green images however when designing a display system that optimizes image detail and preserves a users ability to see in low light other factors are worth considering: Color … [more]

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Digital Signage

Buttons or Touchscreen?

8 November 2009

Touchscreens are in fashion, popularized initially by kiosks but most recently by smart-phones led by the Apple iPhone they are also being used for interactive retail media systems. But what about buttons – the humble … [more]

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Digital Signage

New 10″ VideoFlyer

14 September 2009

The latest version of the Digital View 10″ VideoFlyer (VF100W) was unveiled the other day. This is a complete redesign based around the M3-310 integrated media player & LCD controller. The most apparent result of … [more]

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