ALR-1920 webpage video clip
The video below (click on the play icon) is the sequence at the end of the ALR-1920 big bang video (which can be seen in full on the Vimeo portfolio as linked below)… [quicktime width=”640″ … [more]
The video below (click on the play icon) is the sequence at the end of the ALR-1920 big bang video (which can be seen in full on the Vimeo portfolio as linked below)… [quicktime width=”640″ … [more]
Digital View LCD controller boards typically support a subset of DDC/CI commands. DDC/CI stands for Display Data Channel / Command Interface and is explained in the definition below. These commands enable the graphics card to … [more]
In talking with one of our business partners this morning I was reminded of the issue of video signal latency and our solutions for the problem. Video latency is where there is a delay between … [more]
If you are planning a digital signage display system the following LCD controllers are a great place to begin: SVX-1920, the most popular choice as it offers a significant number of functions and control options … [more]
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